Work Area


Scholarships are awarded by DP Sarawgi Foundation to needy and meritorious students who are studying in class 6th to class 11th in any recognized school and been consistent in studies for at least last one year. Scholarship covers cost of education, books and dress. Mentorship and Career Guidance till the student is well settled professionally will be given to deserving students. Those who are good in sports and other skills are also considered meritorious.

To apply for scholarship please click here. To Donate for education for needy please click here. To support by any other means please contact Here.


Trust is working on various projects to make poor and needy population in India employable by making them acquiring skills required to take up various jobs or to become self employed.

Some of the projects are:- 

To Donate Please Click Here,To Support by any other means please contact Here


We keep on organizing Food Distribution to Slum and Poor Children and distribution of rations to needy poor families. We aim to reduce malnutrition in poor population especially for children and women.

To Donate Please Click Here , To Support by any other means please contact Here


Large Senior Citizen Population in India requires very much needed support and care. Partner with us for various projects aiming at better life and care for neglected senior citizens.

To Donate Please Click Here, To Support by any other means Please contact Here